Monday, January 17, 2011

Packers Vs. Bears... Wedding Day Showdown!

Hello all you beautiful brides!

I just want to start this blog by wrapping up what's going on for Bride of the Year 2010! We have chosen finalists for this year's Bride of the Year Contest! I have put each of their photos into an album on Facebook called "2010 Bride of the Year Finalists". If YOU would like to vote for your favorite 2010 Bride all you need to do is go into the album and find the bride you want to vote for then click the "LIKE" button under the photo! The bride whose photo receives the most likes by the end of the day January 31st will be crowned Bride of the Year 2010 and awarded a fantastic date night gift certificate to The Waterfront!

If you have a wedding in 2011 and would like to be a part of this fantastic contest please...
Send Your:
-Name (and maiden)
-Groom's Name
-Wedding Date
-Venue / Where Pictures Were Taken
-Phone Number
-Type Out Your Email Address
-****Photos from the big day!!!!! (About 5-10)
-The names of anyone in the photos
-The Name of Your Fabulous Photographer!
-And any comments you have about the Wedding Tree, and of course... tell us how your big day went and how many compliments you received!


((If my email happens to be full the photos won't go through so I think the BEST way to make sure your photos make it would be to set up a free Photobucket account and send me the URL link and I will download them!))

Soooo... with the end of one contest brings the beginning of a new and EXTREMELY exciting contest.... WARNING: if your groom-to-be is a football fanatic DO NOT let him read any farther ;)

The contest I am alluding to is... drum roll please....

I don't know about you ladies but I grew up here in Wisconsin as an extreme Packer Fan! I make sure to attend at least one game at Lambeau a year, sooooo... In honor of the rivalry match-up for the NFC Championship game, I have decided to do a Packers VS. Bears Wedding Day Showdown!

First Up... it's the Green and Gold!

Here we have some spectacular green and yellow Alfred Angelo dresses along with a gorgeous gown, matching vest, and two beautiful bouquets!

Don't these sweets look yummy? Here we have a gorgeous green and yellow cake, cupcakes, and jelly beans!

Lastly we have cute little green and yellow invitations along with an adorable Packer garter!

Next up is (and no offense to you silly bears fans) the yucky, icky Chicago Bears themed wedding...

Here are our cute little orange and blue dresses, I used the same dresses and another Nedrebo's vest along with some blue, orange, and white bouquets!

Yummy yummy in my tummy! Look at those sweet, sweet cupcakes, and that gorgeous cake and table decorations :)

Here we have adorable invites and a blue and orange Bears garter.

Well... I have to admit, even as a die-hard Packer fan, I tend to like the Bears color scheme better :( BUT... that DOES NOT mean the Bears are better... bring it on Chicago, because the Packers are taking you down! If you're a Bears fan and you disagree or you're a Packer fan and want to give a big shout out come see me this weekend for our BIG EVENT here at the Wedding Tree! If you come over and talk to me (I'll be the ringmaster in the white tuxedo... yes I said tuxedo) I might just slip you a few extra prize tickets for reading my blog... If you're a Packer fan I'll be more than happy... if you're a Bears fan I might have to harass you first ;)

Have a fantastic weekend and....


Until Next Time,

~Kacia ;)