Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Prom 2011 :)

Hello all you beautiful brides!

If you're here to check out the latest goings on at The Wedding Tree I have just a few exciting things to report!

First... for the bride-to-be who wants her men to look fabulous... our December Tux Month is winding down! Stop in NOW to lock in $10 off all tuxedos or 10% off all attendants gifts! The special ends with the end of the year!

Second... for the newlywed bride... our 2010 Bride of The Year Contest is also drawing close to the end! Brides have until January 15, 2011 to enter for a chance to win a date night gift certificate to the Waterfront :)

Third... for the newly engaged bride-to-be... Saturday, January 22nd through Sunday, January 23rd is our annual Big Event Tent Sale! This fabulous one-weekend-only sale will include over 100 sample gowns marked anywhere from 40-60% off! You will NEVER find prices this good again! The tent sale is cash and carry so be ready to buy and take home your perfect gown that day! ((More details on this to follow in a future blog))

Fourth... for the bride who knows a prom age girl... Get them on our Facebook and send them to our blog because THIS blog is going to be dedicated to PROM 2011 so staaaaaaayyy tuuuuunnneedd!!!


I bet you're here to check out what's new for Prom THIS year! Well here they come, these are our exciting new prom styles for 2011!

#1 New Style for 2011.... MultiColor!

We are seeing a ton of multi-color styles that we've never seen before. It's so exciting... with these dresses there's no more worrying about matching a tux color because you're wearing every color!

Look at this wild print with all that amazing beadwork on the bodice!

These cute little ball gowns are filled with every color of the rainbow!

New Style #2 for Prom 2011... 3D Texture!

This year we're seeing a lot more 3-dimensional texture on the dresses... whether it be 3D flowers or feathers or just a fantastic skirt, we are intrigued by this fantastic new style!

We love the awesome skirt on this gorgeous gown!

Look at this absolutely gorgeous skirt! It is so unique!

The feathered top on this dress is something we've never seen before... but we love it!

#3 New Style for Prom 2011... Sequined Patterns!

While bold patterns are not new to the Prom world, something new we're seeing this year are fabulous sequined patterns. We've never seen such unique dresses before... you know you want one. ;)

This has a gorgeous sequined leopard underskirt with a tool overlay... fabulous.

This dress is one of the most unique dresses I've ever seen! The camouflage pattern is rugged but the gorgeous silhouette and awesome sequins give this gown a girly vibe :)

New Style #4 for Prom 2011... Big Beadwork!

This is one of the hardest trends to portray with photos but it's one of the one's I love the most! We are seeing increasingly large and geometric beadwork on the tops of gowns and it is fabulous!

The top of this dress with the HUGE geometric beadwork is absolutely phenomenal! I love this dress!

Here is an example of actual beads! Much like the dress I showed above in the "Multi-Color" section, the beads on the top of this dress really stand out. You will love the detail on a dress like this!

This one is really hard to see but the black stones on the top of this dress are stunning. This is by far one of my favorites!

Well, those are a few of the fabulous styles we've come out with this year... each dress I showed here we have in-store RIGHT NOW! If you want a chance at one of these dresses stop in to the Wedding Tree today!

Didn't see anything you might like? That's okay! These are just a few of our hundreds of styles! If you'd like to see a few more of our new styles check out our Facebook!

Until next time!
Thanks for reading!
