Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Maggie Sottero Trunk Show!

Hello all you gorgeous brides!That's right ladies... we ARE hosting a
Maggie Sottero
Friday November 12 - Saturday Novemebr 13

We are so excited to announce our first ever Maggie Sottero Trunk Show! The dresses will be available to be seen Friday, November 12th, we are open 10 AM to 9 PM (that's extended hours!), and they will be here until Saturday, we are open 10 AM to 5 PM! What is a trunk show you may ask.... a trunk show is when a designer, in this case the fabulous Maggie Sottero, sends our store EXTRA dresses that we don't keep in stock as an opportunity to view the latest and greatest styles in the collection as well as dresses we do have in stock. This will be a fabulous chance for you to view nearly 100 dresses by Maggie Sottero!

Get this ladies... we are the ONLY store in Wisconsin hosting a Maggie Sottero Trunk Show before the end of the year so this will be the BEST opportunity for you to view nearly the entire collection!

We're also only one of six stores in a six state area (WI, MN, IL, IA, MI, OH) who are hosting a trunk show for the rest of this year!

Keep checking in to hear more and find us on Facebook to add yourself to the Event list in order to keep up with EVERYTHING that's going on during this fabulous weekend!

So Just To Recap What's Happening at Our

- Friday November 12th we will be open 10-9... that's EXTENDED HOURS!
-Saturday November 13th we will be open 10-5!
-You will be able to view ALMOST 100 DRESSES by Maggie Sottero!
-We are the ONLY STORE IN WISCONSIN and one of six in a 6 state area having a Maggie Trunk Show before the end of the year!
-You need to FIND US ON FACEBOOK to keep up with everything that's going on!

We cannot wait to see you there! Appointments are booking fast so schedule your appointment now to Become a Wedding Tree Bride Today!

Thank you! Until Next Time!